Building upper body strength can sometimes be a challenge. The following five workouts feature gym exercises as well as bodyweight routines that will help you build muscle and strength in your arms, chest, and shoulders. Aim to do three sets of 10 repetitions for each exercise.

The Athletic Centre and the Hart House gyms both have strength and conditioning rooms where you will find free weights that can help you achieve ultimate success. The following exercises incorporate the use of dumbbells or medicine balls to allow for focus on key upper body muscle groups:

  1. Propped push-up:


How to do it: Using either a medicine ball or Bosu ball (flipped over onto the dome), hold it firmly pressing the ball to the ground. With your feet together or shoulder-width apart, complete a push-up. Engage your core and keep your body in a straight line for ten repetitions. Repeat.
How it works: Having to maintain balance while using the ball adds another challenging component to the standard push-up. The exercise is great for building the triceps, but also targets the shoulders, chest, back, and abs.

  1. Lateral raises:


How to do it: Using the weight of dumbbells that you feel most comfortable with, bend your knees and hips slightly. With the dumbbells in front of your thighs, raise upper arms to sides until elbows are at shoulder height and arms are outstretched, parallel to the floor. Repeat.

How it works: This is a basic arm isolation exercise. The higher you’re able to lift the dumbbells, the more range of motion you’ll have. This exercise works and strengthens the shoulder muscle.

  1. Overhead dumbbell extension

How to do it: Position the one dumbbell over head with hands firmly grasping under the inner plate. With elbows extended over the head, lower the dumbbell behind your back. Extend, return to starting position, and repeat.

How it works: This exercise, using a full range of motion, focuses primarily on the triceps.

Don’t have time to go to the gym? Here are some workouts that help to build upper body strength that don’t rely on the use of gym equipment:

  1. Rolling side-plank:How to do it: Lying on your right side with feet together, use your forearm to prop yourself up. Your body should form a straight line. Hold this position while engaging your core. Proceed to roll inward into a front plank position, resting on both forearms. Hold the position. Repeat on alternating sides.




How it works: The rolling plank is great because not only does it target shoulders, but it also focuses on abs, glutes, and obliques.

  1. Burpees:

How to do it: Begin in standing position with feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body with arms outstretched, placing hands on the floor. Kick your feet back in push-up position and bring your chest up to complete a push-up. Stand back up, jumping and clapping hands above your head. Complete repetitions as desired.

How it works: This is the exercise that everyone loves to hate, but it provides a full-body workout. Burpees are great for working on upper body strength, but are also a great cardio workout.