Upper body strength training is important, but it’s often easy to forget that we should be training our lower body just as frequently. Alternating between upper body and lower body days at the gym is an effective way of incorporating both workouts into your schedule, while taking a balanced approach to exercise.

Below is a list of some of the best lower body workouts targeting the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and lower back. For best results, try to complete three sets of 10 repetitions for each exercise. Everything you need for these moves can be found at U of T’s gyms.

   Non-weighted workouts:

Jump squats

How to do it: Begin with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and proceed to jump straight up. Without pausing, move straight into a deep squat. Repeat.

How it works: Jump squats are a great high intensity workout that increase strength and flexibility in your quads. Be careful not to land too firmly on the ground as you may find that that puts a lot of pressure on your knees.


How to do it: Begin by squatting down on the floor and leaning forward slightly with your hands on the ground, palms facing down. Keep your heels off of the floor, standing on the balls of your feet with your toes pointed forward.




For best results, keep your knees together and maintain a somewhat equal balance of your body between your hands and feet.

Next, extend your legs until your heels are flat on the floor. Return to the starting position by bringing your glutes back down to the floor. Repeat.

How it works: Bootstrappers are excellent for targeting your quads. If you feel more of a burn in your hamstrings, try stretching while warming up before starting the exercise.

Box jumps

How to do it: At the Hart House gym and the Athletic Centre (AC), as well as at most other gyms for that matter, you will find boxes meant for jumping. If doing this exercise for the first time, it is probably best to start with one box before attempting more. Stand facing the box at a comfortable distance, with your feet shoulder-width apart.

If boxes aren’t available, you can also use steps piled one on top of the other for equally effective results.

Next, bend your knees and jump onto the box. Jump backwards back onto the floor and repeat.

How it works: This exercise is a great explosive workout and allows you to incorporate some cardio into your strength training. It targets your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

   Weighted exercises:

You can enjoy a very effective lower body workout with weighted exercises as well, so don’t be afraid to pick up some barbells!

Barbell-weighted alternate lunges and squats

How to do it: Find a barbell that you are most comfortable with. Barbells can be found in the weight room at both Hart House gym and the AC. Begin by placing the barbell behind your back as you would for a typical back squat and place your feet shoulder-width apart.

Start off with the left foot, completing a front lunge. Be sure that your knee does not go past your foot. Return to the original position and proceed to complete a back squat. Next, complete the rep with a front lunge with your right foot forward. Repeat the three movements consecutively.

Note: If you don’t feel comfortable using a barbell, this exercise can also be done without a weight, and if done with the proper form, is still equally effective.

How it works: This combination of lunges and squats is great for strengthening your thighs as well as your hips. You will also feel the burn in your glutes and hamstrings if the exercises are completed with proper form.


How to do it: Find a barbell that you comfortable lifting. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with the barbell in front of you.

Bend forward, keeping your back straight at all times. Try to keep your spine from rounding. Grip the bar somewhat shoulder-width apart and lift while bringing your back into a straight position. Return the bar to the ground. Resume starting position and proceed to lift the bar for as many repetitions as possible.

How it works: The deadlift is a classic lower body workout that targets just about everything — your lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and quads.