The provincial government is making it easier for adopted children to acquire a postsecondary education.

Eligibility for Ontario’s Living and Learning Grant (LLG) began just before November, which is Adoption Awareness Month in Ontario.

The grant will provide eligible students with $500 per month to a maximum of $6,000 per year of study. Eligible students can receive the grant for up to four years of study.

Students who have already submitted an OSAP Application for Full-Time Studies are automatically considered; students that have not must submit a separate form by mail in order to verify their status with the Ontario Children’s Aid Society. This form is available through the OSAP website, and must be submitted no later than 60 days prior to the end of their present study period.

Students must also either have left the care of the Ontario Children’s Aid Society (CAS) at the age of 18, or have been adopted after August 1, 2013. Previously, the LLG only applied to students aged 21-24.

The grant also extends to Crown wards — non-adopted youth in the care of foster of group homes — that have chosen not to receive care and maintenance (CCSY). They are now also eligible to receive the LLG in study periods that began on or after August 1, 2016.

“All children and youth have a greater chance of thriving when they have stability in their lives. That is why Ontario is delivering on its promise to strengthen supports to help more children and youth in care or who have been adopted, and the caregivers supporting them,” said Minister of Children and Youth Services Michael Coteau. “I hope families and caregivers take advantage of these supports, as they have the potential to make a lasting impact on a child’s life.”