Have you ever wanted to run a marathon in record time? How about being able to swing your racquet with the best of them? Ever dreamed of being an elite athlete, but were put off by all the hard work that goes into becoming one? Well, you’re in luck. You could be one of the lucky few chosen to be morphed into a genetically engineered ‘super athlete,’ a new breed of humans that is poised to take over the sports world.

This group has been designed to perfection and is ready to run faster, jump higher, and be stronger than any mere mortal. Say goodbye to harsh training regimes, strict diets, and all the blood, sweat and tears that go hand-in-hand with the dogged pursuit of an Olympic medal.

If you ever wanted to have your cake and eat it too (and then skip the treadmill workout), now’s your chance.

This isn’t a sales pitch from a 24-hour infomercial channel. Nor is it an ad ripped from the pages of a fitness magazine. The idea that we can create genetically enhanced super athletes is no longer prime fodder for a Hollywood movie; rather, it is a reality that we could see materialize as early as the 2008 Olympics.

How did a concept once reserved for the pages of comic books and sci-fi novels trickle into the realm of dirty reality? In order to fully understand this progression, a primer in genetics is first needed.

A gene contains hereditary information in the form of DNA. All genes have specific positions on a chromosome in the nucleus of a cell. Our genes determine many aspects of anatomy and physiology by controlling the production of proteins.

Each individual also has a unique sequence of genes called the genotype. Your genotype determines physical characteristics such as eye and hair colour, and height and weight to some degree.

Our knowledge of genetics has risen considerably over time, the most recent major breakthrough being the mapping of the human genome-essentially a map of the DNA that humans are comprised of. Research has been going on for years on specific genes of interest as well.

Because many diseases are the result of genetic defects (sickle cell anaemia and SCID are just two examples), scientists study specific genes in a bid to unearth which one(s) caused the problem. By examining certain tissues, they are sometimes able to find the defective gene and then replace it with a normal (a.k.a wild-type) gene. Doing so restores normal function in the human, thus eliminating the disorder.

This technique of gene location and insertion is called gene therapy. It has been successful in treating various human disorders, but is still in its early stages of development.

Artificially tampering with one’s body is old news in the sporting world. Athletes have been using performance-enhancing drugs for decades. And because we have enjoyed good results in the field of gene therapy, there isn’t much standing in the way of athletes experimenting with gene ‘doping.’ Athletes latched onto the idea of inserting specific genes in their bodies that would then help them excel in their respective sports after seeing the success of gene therapy.

Monica Sauer, a U of T genetics professor, says that the technology is all there and that it is just a matter of finding the appropriate genes to add in order to boost athletic performance. She believes that could happen before the next Summer Olympics.

“2008 is quite possible. There is enough money in winning at the Olympics and I’m sure there will be some athletes willing to take on any health risks and countries willing to take on ethical risks since so many were willing to take dangerous drugs in the past.”

Sauer adds that gene doping might actually be safer than using most drugs currently on the market: “You’re only doing it once, and you’re adding a normal gene/protein.”

As with most scientific procedures, cost is always a factor. One would assume that the cost of gene insertion is quite high. On the contrary, it could prove to be cheaper than steroids and drugs. After all, insertion of the gene(s) of interest is only done once. The most expensive part is researching to discover which genes will result in accelerated speed or bigger muscles. Some countries might even see it as an investment into the future of their athletes and sporting systems.

This new possibility poses a huge problem when it comes to testing, as a gene blends in with all the others in the body once it has been inserted. An inserted gene would not be visible in a urine sample and would only be detectable in a blood sample if it was originally inserted into blood stem cells.

If it is put in muscle tissue-the most likely place-a gene becomes very difficult to detect. Testers would have to obtain tissue samples from athletes, a procedure that is time-consuming, not to mention invasive. The majority of athletes would simply not allow it.

Genetics play a huge role in sports. As much as that 4’11 ectomorphic boy wants to be an NBA player, his chances of ever dunking a ball for the Chicago Bulls are slim to none.

Genes matter, whether we like it or not. As squash player David Yik notes: “A lot of people say that the genetic deck in some sports is already stacked in favor of certain populations. They say that the Kenyan domination of cross-country is heavily favored, even disregarding training and preparation by athletes from other nations, because of genetics. But that’s luck of the draw, right? And in the majority of sports, genetics is probably not the ultimate arbiter of who will succeed.”

That last remark is perhaps a better indication of just how far an athlete can go in elite sport. Having a good set of genes will only carry you so far. There needs to be that drive to succeed as well, along with the willingness to push yourself to the limit. There are no genes that code for motivation and perseverance.

Former competitive skater Allen Chung bluntly says that he would never manipulate his genetic make-up, even if it guaranteed him a killer quadruple axel, because “It’s just wrong.”

Gene doping has been the starting point for many heated debates on ethics in the last few years. The World Anti-Doping Association has banned genetic enhancement of athletes already, but sport in this day and age is more about money and less about what is morally and ethically sound. Many athletes are so consumed with the ‘win-at-all-costs’ mantra, that they can rationalize anything as being right as long as they finish on top.

Spectators are quick to proclaim that they wouldn’t bother watching sport if it became a competition between engineered athletes; yet, as Varsity skater Eleanor Fung points out, “It’s not like doping isn’t happening now and people still watch sports.”

North Americans hold athletics close to our hearts; regardless of how moral we may be, it would be hard to give up watching sports altogether.

Genetic engineering of super athletes is still in its preliminary stages, but there is little doubt that some athletes will try it out, as long as there are multi-million dollar endorsement deals to be had. A slew of adolescent Chinese athletes recently posted unusually fast times in running and swimming races, prompting many raised eyebrows.

The Olympics-and virtually every other major sporting event-have the potential to become a freak show. Sport could be turned into a circus of sorts, showcasing athletes who run 100m in six seconds flat. While the future of genetic manipulation in athletics remains questionable, one thing is certain. Should these super athletes become a reality, they will give new meaning to Olympic credo “Faster, Higher, Stronger.”