Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci
How I Long to Feel that Summer in my Heart
Mantra/Beggars Banquet

People say everything’s in a name. Apply that adage to Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci and, well, you’ve got nothing. I know the band name means something coherent in Gaelic and that’s good, ’cause it makes no sense to me. Band name aside, Gorky’s produce some of the nicest pop music I’ve ever heard. Sliding somewhere in with the likes of Elliot Smith and Mojave 3, GZM both know when and how to incorporate strings and other instruments into the mix without making it feel forced. Subsequently, they do a masterful job at playing songs without any additional musicians/instruments. A brilliant addition to any fan of sappy pop music (you know who you are).

Rating: VVVV
Steve Servos

New End Original
Jade Tree

Without fail, Jade Tree as a label releases the finest records. This trend continues with a stellar debut release from New End Original. With roots in such bands as Texas is the Reason and Chamberlain, it doesn’t come as much surprise that the band rocks. With the typical double guitar-bass-drums lineup, New End Original play a style of power pop/post punk that is relatively common (they’re not doing any ground-breaking shit here). What makes Thriller such a strong debut CD is that they play this standard power pop with enough emotion and conviction to separate themselves from other bands putting out similar works. Look out for these guys; they’re going to turn a lot of heads.

Rating: VVVVV
Steve Servos

Team Mint Volume 2

Sometimes you forget just how cool a record label is until you get a compilation like this. Then you go, “Shit, these bands rock!” While not every single song on this disc spells veritable winner, we do have some pretty cool additions from the New Town Animals, New Pornographers, Huevos Rancheros, the various Nardwuar bands (Skablins, Goblins, Evaporators) Duotang, Smugglers and more. Overall, this is a wonderful collection of Canadian talent that should be snapped up by anyone even slightly wanting to support our country’s independent scene.

Rating: VVVVV

Dead Media
Too Pure/Beggars Banquet

Fixing something that’s not broken is generally frowned upon. That said, it came as a huge shock to hear the new release from British darlings Hefner. After releasing three full-length albums of pure sappy pop in the past three years, they shift gears on their fourth album, adding a very heavy synth/drum machine sound to the fray. After the initial shock wears off (and after a few good hard listens), all that make Hefner what they are begins to take root. Yes, some songs could have been on previous albums (“Junk,” especially) but what makes this such a surprise album is how the songs that diverge so greatly from the original Hefner resonate the most. And this gives me faith that the lads know what they’re doing.

Rating: VVVV
Steve Servos

Sixty Stories
Different Places To Sit

I’ve always stood behind any independent Canadian act, but I gotta draw the line this time. While Sixty Stories have some way cool riffs and song structure going on here, I can’t get past the fact that their singer absolutely sucks. I know they’re trying to feed off the indie-singer-out-of-key kitsch thing, but this is like some disturbing monotone caterwauling spewing out some not-so-original lyrics. Think Weakerthans without the poignance. However, if vocals don’t affect you like nails on a chalkboard, check these kids out, ’cause they are performing some rather impressive musical feats. God, I feel like a heel now.

Rating: V
Julie Swarren