If someone asked you if you wear underwear when you take a shower, you might laugh. But the way most people take a shower before swimming at the Athletic Center and Hart House is very interesting. Although there is a sign on the door at both pools stating that each swimmer must shower with soap and warm water before entering the pool, I’ve only witnessed two other women doing that over the past four years. According to my male colleagues only a few men take a proper shower before swimming. Most women and some men usually just wet their swimming suits before entering the pool. Interestingly, after swimming, everyone takes a nice, long shower-now without a bathing suit.

Let’s have a look at this scientifically. In the colon, there are all kinds of E. coli bacteria, some of which may be pathogens, or disease-causing bacteria. When the body perspires, it produces sweat and oils, and our skin cells constantly die and are renewed. Every healthy person urinates and moves his or her bowels daily. If people don’t take a nude shower with soap and hot water, imagine how much bacteria, dead skin, and other dirt is introduced into the water.

When we don’t shower properly, the residual dirt reacts with the chlorine in the pool to form chloramines, which are 40-60 % less effective than chlorine in destroying pathogens. The consequence is that either pools have to be maintained at higher concentrations of chlorine, or swimmers will risk getting sick from the water.

In indoor pools the chloramines evaporate and stay close above the water, and can irritate the eyes and throat. It may also damage the lung and trigger asthma, particularly in kids. A recent survey of nearly 2,000 students in Brussels revealed a stronger link between asthma and pool attendance than with accepted risk factors such as pet ownership or exposure to second-hand smoke.

I know that in some condos, residents willingly take a nude shower before swimming, because they understand the need for it. For the sake of our health, please take a proper shower with soap and hot water without your swimming suit before swimming.