Facing fear: Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Dr. Pradeep Nathan, of Monash University, found that social phobics looking at another person’s face showed increased activity in the amygdala, the area of the brain that controls emotional response, breathing, and heart rate. He also found that the amount of amygdala activity increased with the severity of social phobia.

Forensic foibles: According to New Scientist magazine, gunshot residue (GSR), presumably found on the hands of those who fired a gun, can be found on individuals who haven’t fired a gun, and even on individuals that were not present at the crime scene. The find suggests that persons found guilty based on GSR evidence may be innocent.
Heating up: Ocean levels all over the world are rising twice as fast compared to 150 years ago, report researchers in Science. Global warming is to blame.

Maternal buzz: Teenagers with depressed alcoholic mothers are more likely to grow into depressed alcoholics, say researchers at the University of Queensland. The study says nothing about dad.

Swimming smile: Swimming with dolphins lowers depression. Reported in the British Medical Journal, the find supports the biophilia theory that human well-being depends on nature.

Increased outbreaks: AIDS, SARS, west-nile, bird-flu… The list goes on and it will only get worse according to the British Medical Journal. Since most epidemics come from animals, as humans encroach upon nature more and more expect to see an increase in outbreaks.