Clockwise from top-left

Katherine, 2nd year English

There are so many different types of love…I’ve felt passionately before but I have never been sure. I thought I was in love, but I don’t know anymore. I did fall in love with all three male lead characters in War and Peace as I was reading. It was amazing!

Sasha, 1st-year Semiotics:

You can point to it when it’s happening but it’s impossible to identify…unless you are Marvin Gaye.

Alireza, 4th-year Economics

I don’t know. I’ve never been in love. I hope it exists, but it doesn’t seem likely. I’m an optimist but look around you. I’m still not sure.

Julia, 4th-year Semiotics

I don’t know but screw Valentine’s day! Love is not something you can arrange and place on a calendar. ‘It’s love day?’ Fuck that.