Classes have been off at the University of Windsor since Wednesday morning, with professors on the streets picketing. The faculty has been on strike since negotiations broke down Tuesday night between their union, the Windsor University Faculty Association (WUFA) and the administration. Windsor president Alan Wildeman has termed the strike the “saddest day of [his] academic career.”

WUFA VP internal Stephen Pinder alleged that administration is aiming to remove the Windsor Salary Standard mechanism, which ensures that all faculty salaries fall within the Ontario universities median.

The introduction of “teaching only” faculty has also been a point of contention between WUFA and the admin. “We feel that it would damage the research mission of the university,” said Pinder. He said WUFA is also concerned about changes to the “Promotion, tenure, renewal” process whereby the guaranteed annual salary increase has been slashed from $2,200 to $1,000.

While students face an uncertain academic year, both the undergraduate and graduate student unions have formally supported the strike and pledged assistance to the faculty. University of Windsor Student Alliance President Tiffany Gooch said the union was anxious for both parties to get back to negotiations. He said students were displaying their solidarity by walking on picket lines and supporting WUFA before the media.

Pinder said that the diminishing government funding to universities poses a threat to the quality of education. The increasing reliance on the private sector for funding is worrisome, according to Pinder, as the curriculum is often augmented to appeal to a particular donor.

While talks between both sides have yet to officially recommence, Windsor spokesperson Kevin Doyle said that the university was considering removing the “teaching only” faculty item from its policy. Windsor spokesperson Kevin Doyle refused to comment on specific issues, which were currently on the bargaining table.

Doyle said that the university would assure that students did not lose their term as a result of the strike.