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Masters in Exercise Science

“It was orientation for kindergarten. I was really into playing in the sandbox. This girl I didn’t know came up and kissed me on the lips. This was the first of many in my life that would come and go.”

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3rd Year Physiology and Biology

“It was in grade nine, after a basketball game. I was coming out of the change room and some girl came up and laid one on me. And then I found out her name.”

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1st Year Toronto School of Naturopathic Medicine

“It’s so embarassing. I was in grade eight, I think. I was at my friend’s house. She left the room and this guy started touching my boobs and I didn’t think he would be going in for a kiss, but he did. He was really awful, really aggressive with his tongue. And then he told his friends I was really bad. I am a great kisser.”

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4th Year English

“Oh my god, it was the worst. It was on an elevated surface, ‘in da club,’ with a guy who was not exactly the Christopher Columbus of finding lips.”

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4th Year Criminology

“I was in kindergarten with my kindergarten boyfriend, behind the bookshelves. I don’t remember, but my mom does.”

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3rd Year Pharmacology

”My first kiss was in Borders behind some bookshelves. She definitely had braces and she defintely had just eaten chicken rice. There was more braces than lips, I can tell you that.”