Storm Corrosion is the product of a much-anticipated musical collaboration between progressive rocker Steven Wilson, of Porcupine Tree fame, and Mikael Akerfeldt, front-man of the heavy metal band Opeth. Given their respective musical backgrounds, one would expect the collaborative efforts of these two artists to yield a sound laden with heavy guitars and pounding drums. But Storm Corrosion defies all expectations. The use of drums in this album is minimal; in its place stands the seamless fusion of instrumental textures and gentle vocals. This effect is perhaps most notable in the song “Drag Ropes,” which blends an eerie array of harmonies with a wide range of melodies, lending it an almost cinematic quality. Another strong piece is the instrumental track “Lock Howl,” with its unusual yet brilliant pairing of a haunting melody and rhythmic clapping. In short, this is music rife with nuances, music that requires your full attention. Storm Corrosion is an album of incantations, and it casts one hell of a spell.