On Friday, students and community members gathered at Convocation Hall to protest government inaction on climate change. Over 60 people then marched to the Ontario legislature to deliver an open letter to the new premier of Ontario and leader of the Liberal Party, Kathleen Wynne. Identical letters were sent to premiers across Canada, as well as to the prime minister.

Both the letter and the march were designed to call attention to the ineffective climate change policies of the federal, provincial, and territorial governments. The activists cited ignorance about and disbelief in climate change within the government, and called for greater involvement of those who will have to deal with the impact of climate change down the road: minorities and students.

Tom McCarthy, a member of the University of Toronto Environmental Action (utea) group who helped organize the march said, “Young people are not going to quietly accept an out-of-control environment and a broken environmental inheritance from our parents’ generation.”