In the early hours of each morning, a small team assembles on the eastern side of Spadina Crescent. In just a few hours, they sort, stamp, ship, and deliver almost every piece of mail heading to or from campus. By 3 pm, the mailroom’s valuable work is mostly done, allowing the campus to function smoothly. The team’s intimate knowledge of the streets, alleys, and buildings of the St. George campus allows them to deliver mail quickly and efficiently. More often than not, mailroom staff are able to track down a recipient on campus by name only. To learn more about the mailroom team and their everyday experiences, check out broadcast.thevarsity.ca.


The Video Team has been working on a new series in which we explore under appreciated jobs on campus. Far from the obvious headlines, we’re searching for the people that make this campus tick. If you know of any departments that go unnoticed all too often, please shoot us an email at [email protected].