We asked U of T students to describe their winter holidays in six words over Twitter. Not surprisingly, most didn’t involve reading. Here’s what they had to say.

Sleeping and watching Netflix. Eat, repeat.

—Angela MacIsaac (@angelamacisaac)

Taking a relaxing break from #UofT.

—Tariq Haddadin (@TariqHaddadin)

Bed, TV, internet, and Christmas cookies.

—Michael (@Michael_UofT)

Staying away from every UofT library!

—Anum Jamall (@anuuumj)

Mentally preparing for another hellish term.

—Alicia Mariecon (@aliciamariecon)

Obsessively refreshing ROSI every 10 minutes.

—Stephanie Nakamata (@Stephanie Nakamata)

Sleep, lift all the weights, eat.

—Lucy (@2_lil_kitties)

Watched movies all day, all night.

—Nirusha Shan (@nirusha_shan)

Slept, ate, slept more, ate more.

—Hazal (@_howdoiusername)

Worked to pay off student debt.

—Shaniqwa (@shay_shayThomas)

Did absolutely nothing and loved it.

—Sohanii Rashid (@Sohanii)

Started five different television shows, oops.

—Viv (@VivXcellent)

Loved ones consumed my time, thankfully.

—Zahra Vaid (@zahravaid)

Homework, readings… I’m just kidding. Nothing.

—Olga T. (@Olga_Pierogi)


—Denez Bokhari (@DenezZahra)

Eat, sleep, clean, shopping, pilates, music!

—Maggie Lam (@musicatrest)

All of Breaking Bad, also sleep.

—Ami (@theamipowell)

Went to Ripley’s Aquariam with family.

—Jackie Nguyen (@jackie_nguye)

Repeatedly refreshed ROSI waiting for grades.

—Steven Erwood (@stevenerwood)

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