Although Convocation Hall at the University of Toronto was featured in a scene from the 2004 film Mean Girls, the building’s $2,244,607 deferred maintenance cost is far from “fetch.”

This cost is a fraction of the $515 million in deferred maintenance that U of T has accumulated — a $10 million increase from last year’s total of $505 million.

According to the 2014 Deferred Maintenance Report presented to the Business Board on March 2, the St. George campus carries the majority of the burden — making up $443 million of the $515 million total.

The university’s Facility Condition Index (FCI) measures a building’s condition. An FCI of 10 per cent or more indicates a building or property portfolio in poor condition. U of T’s combined FCI is 14.1 per cent, the same as last year.

However, the FCI varies across different campuses. The St George campus has the highest FCI at 14.9 per cent – a drop from last year’s 15.1 per cent. The report notes that “UTM’s campus FCI is slightly up from 8.3 per cent last year to 8.4 per cent this year.” In a similar vein, UTSC’s FCI is slightly higher, rising from 12.6 per cent last year to 12.9 per cent this year.

Brick by brick

The report contains a detailed breakdown of individual buildings on all three U of T campuses, accompanied by data on the nature of the building, replacement costs, deferred maintenance costs, and FCI. The building with the highest FCI is Mary Hall at the St. George campus with a whopping 51.6 per cent.

By contrast, the Instructional Centre at UTM has an FCI of zero.

The report states that the university receives $3.1 million in funding from the province, a decrease from $4.7 million in 2010. In order to maintain U of T’s current institutional FCI, the report says, U of T “will require an investment of just over $19.8 million per year in funding”.

“However, the challenge of deferred maintenance is being managed,” the report reads. “With stable and significant funding, we will be able to maintain the current condition of the buildings and minimize, although not eliminate, the chance of an unforeseen problem having major consequences to the University’s mission and operating budget.”

Medical Sciences Building – St George

“The Medical Science Building is the administrative centre of U of T’s Faculty of Medicine” and is designated in the report as an academic and research facility. It has the highest replacement cost of all, valued at $266,760,297. The edifice also comes with a $58,299,772 deferred maintenance tag and is due to be audited in 2015.

Geomorphology Building – UTM

Like the Medical Science Building, UTM’s Geomorphology Building is listed as an academic and research facility. Despite its relatively low replacement cost of $259,958 and its $91,056 deferred maintenance cost, it runs an FCI of 35 per cent — the highest of any audited building at UTM. It was last audited in the 2012–2013 academic year, with no date given for its next projected audit.

Humanities Wing – UTSC

Designed by the same architect who imagined the CN Tower, UTSC’s Humanities Wing opened in 1966. An academic and administrative building, it has an FCI of 17.5 per cent, a replacement cost of $39,933,943, and a deferred maintenance cost of $7,001,872. It is unknown when the Humanities Wing will next be audited.

Sandford Fleming Building – St George

Named after Sir Sandford Fleming, a Canadian engineer credited with much of the work on the Intercolonial Railway and the Canadian Pacific Railways, the Sandford Fleming Building is home to U of T’s engineering students. The academic and research facility is valued at $94,594,529 for replacement, has a deferred maintenance cost of $15,195,867, and an FCI of 16.1 per cent. Last audited in the 2010–2011 school year, Sandford Fleming is due for another audit in 2015.

Sidney Smith Hall – St George

Sidney Smith was president of U of T from 1945–1957 and the hall that bears his name houses the Faculty of Arts & Science. Despite its illustrious name, it has an FCI of 47.8 per cent and a total deferred maintenance cost of $29,235,205. Its replacement value is $61,133,726. The building is scheduled for an audit this year.