Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

We got drunk on Church Street and everybody broke into a dance in the pouring rain. It was a giant puddle and everyone was raging.”

-Ryan (left), Graham (right)

Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

This is our first Pride – nothing wild has happened yet. We’re enjoying ourselves, though.”

-Beth and Rainer

Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

“I’ve gone every year since I was a little kid [when] my dad took me. Everyone’s crazy here; I love it.”

-Kai (left), Didi (center), Erika (right)

Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

Last year, being at the front [of the parade] and having one of the guys come up to me and start kissing me…I was like ‘whoa, this is crazy!’ But I love it because you’re hot and topless!”


Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

“[Pride is] about equality. Everyone should be able to live how they want to live. It’s just a big reminder of that.”

-Ariana (left), Julia (second from left), Alyssia (second from right), Kit (right)

Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

I’ve been doing [Pride] for about ten years now, in all different weather. This year is pretty rainy but last year’s Pride was probably the best it’s ever been. So many people, so long, so big – it was just to the max and it was the best time ever.”


Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

Zarin Tasnim and Malone Mullin/THE VARSITY

It’s our first Pride – we’re from Mexico. We got the wigs there.”

-Greta and Julie-Beth