Toronto is one of the most expensive cities in Canada, with a high cost of living that has been steadily increasing over the years. For students who are already struggling with tuition fees and student debt, the rising cost of living in Toronto can be a huge burden.

In recent years, the cost of rent, food, and transportation has skyrocketed, making it difficult for students to afford basic necessities, let alone enjoy their university experience.

The cost of living crisis in Toronto is not just a financial issue, but a social and cultural one as well. Students who are unable to afford basic necessities may feel excluded from social activities or struggle to fit in with their peers.

The stress and anxiety that come with financial struggles can also have a negative impact on students’ mental health, the need for debt relief and academic performance.

The purpose of this article is to shed light on the current cost of living crisis for students in Toronto and provide resources and tips to help students manage their finances and cost of living.

It is important to recognize the severity of this issue and take action to address it, as it is vital for students to have a healthy and enjoyable university experience.

The Cost of Living Crisis in Toronto

Explanation of the rising costs of rent, food, and transportation in Toronto

Toronto is one of the most expensive cities to live in not just in Canada, but in the world. The cost of living in Toronto has been on the rise for the past few years, with rent, food, and transportation costs being the most significant expenses.

According to a report by, the average cost of rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Toronto is $2,187 per month, while a two-bedroom apartment costs an average of $2,764 per month.

This is a significant increase from just a few years ago, and it can be challenging for students to afford such high prices, especially when living off-campus.

The cost of food is another significant expense for students living in Toronto. According to a report by Numbeo, the cost of groceries in Toronto is around 10-20% higher than the national average.

 This means that students may have to spend more on food than they would in other parts of Canada. Additionally, eating out or ordering food is also expensive, with the average meal at a mid-range restaurant costing around $20.

Transportation costs are also high in Toronto. The cost of public transportation has been increasing steadily over the years, with a monthly pass costing around $156. This can be a significant expense for students, especially those who live far from campus and need to commute daily.

How these rising costs are affecting students in Toronto

The rising costs of rent, food, and transportation in Toronto are having a significant impact on students. Many students have to work part-time jobs or rely on student loans to make ends meet, which can be a significant source of stress and anxiety.

Financial struggles can also affect students’ mental health and academic performance, as they may have to work longer hours to make ends meet or worry about their finances instead of focusing on their studies.

Moreover, high living costs in Toronto can have other consequences. Students may have to sacrifice their social life or hobbies to save money, or they may not be able to travel or take part in extracurricular activities. These sacrifices can impact the university experience and make it harder for students to enjoy their time in Toronto.

Student Struggles in Toronto

Overview of the challenges students face when it comes to cost of living in Toronto

The high cost of living in Toronto can present many challenges for students. One of the biggest struggles for students is finding affordable housing. With rent prices continuing to rise, many students are forced to live far away from campus or in subpar living conditions. This can make it challenging to attend classes, participate in extracurricular activities, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Another struggle for students in Toronto is finding affordable and healthy food. With food prices higher in Toronto than in other parts of Canada, many students may have to choose between buying nutritious food or cheaper, less healthy options. This can have a significant impact on their health, energy levels, and ability to focus on their studies.

Transportation is another challenge for students in Toronto. While public transportation is available, it can be expensive, especially for students who may not be able to afford a monthly pass. This can make it difficult to travel to and from campus, or to participate in social events or internships outside of the immediate area.

Examples of how these struggles are affecting students’ mental health and academic performance

The challenges of living in Toronto can have a significant impact on students’ mental health and academic performance. Financial struggles and stress can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Furthermore, the time and energy students must devote to work or finances can take away from their studies and academic success. Students may have to take on additional jobs or cut back on classes to make ends meet, which can affect their academic progress.

In some cases, these struggles can be so severe that students may have to drop out of school. The cost of living in Toronto can be a significant burden, and it is essential that students are aware of the resources and options available to them to help manage these struggles.

What Students Can Do

Overview of potential solutions for students in Toronto

While the cost of living crisis in Toronto can seem overwhelming, there are several strategies that students can use to manage their finances and cost of living. Here are some potential solutions for students:Create a budget: Creating a budget can help students keep track of their income and expenses and identify areas where they can cut back or save money.

Look for affordable housing: Students can search for affordable housing options, such as shared apartments or renting a room in a house. They can also consider living further from campus or using public transportation to save money.

Buy groceries in bulk: Buying groceries in bulk can help students save money on food, and they can also consider cooking at home instead of eating out or ordering food.

Take advantage of student discounts: Many businesses offer student discounts, and students can take advantage of these discounts to save money on transportation, entertainment, and other expenses.

Look for part-time work or student-friendly jobs: Students can look for part-time jobs or jobs that are flexible and accommodating of their student schedules.

Specific tips and resources for students to manage their finances and cost of living

Here are some additional tips and resources for students in Toronto to help them manage their finances and cost of living:

Student financial aid: The government of Canada and the government of Ontario provide various student financial aid programs, such as grants and loans, to help students manage their expenses.

On-campus resources: Many universities and colleges in Toronto have on-campus resources such as food banks, financial aid offices, and budgeting workshops that can help students manage their finances.

Community resources: There are also several community resources available to students in Toronto, such as community centers, libraries, and non-profit organizations, that offer financial counseling, food assistance, and other services.

Online resources: There are several online resources available to students, such as budgeting apps, websites with student discounts, and financial planning tools that can help students manage their finances.

Community resources available for students in need

·         Here are some community resources available for students in need in Toronto:

·         Daily Bread Food Bank: Provides food assistance to those in need in Toronto.

·         The Student Association of George Brown College: Offers a food bank, emergency financial aid, and other resources for students.

·         Toronto Rent Bank: Provides interest-free loans to those facing eviction.

·         The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: Offers free mental health services and resources to those in need.

·         The Toronto Public Library: Offers free resources, including job search help and financial counseling.

By utilizing these resources and implementing strategies to manage their finances and cost of living, students in Toronto can take steps to mitigate the cost of living crisis and enjoy a healthy and successful university experience.


The cost of living crisis in Toronto is a significant issue, especially for students who are already facing financial challenges. The rising cost of rent, food, and transportation can have a significant impact on students’ mental health and academic performance, as well as their ability to enjoy their university experience.

However, there are several strategies and resources available to students in Toronto that can help them manage their finances and cost of living.

By creating a budget, looking for affordable housing, and taking advantage of student discounts, students can mitigate some of the financial challenges of living in Toronto.

Additionally, students can access resources such as student financial aid, on-campus resources, and community resources to help them manage their expenses and mental health.

It is important for students to be aware of these resources and to take advantage of them as needed. By working together, students, universities, and the government can address the cost of living crisis in Toronto and ensure that students have a healthy and enjoyable university experience.