The writer is often imagined to be an isolated creature.

Writers are the ones looking from the outside in. They do not swim, but muse at the ocean from the shore and overhear conversations instead of having them. The image of the writer as a solitary creature may come as a comfort to some who feel safer watching from the sidelines. But, what if being a writer means feeling uncomfortable? What if, in order to hear and see others, writers also need to risk the vulnerability of being heard and seen? 

I feel compelled to reject the writer’s image as an isolated creature and encourage writers to pursue the discomfort of crossing over — from the outside, in. As this year’s Features Editor, I hope my section will capture this spirit. 

The Features section is all about stories: what stories are made of, and what stories can do. The stories I want to share are inspired not only by personal experience and preconceived ideas, but also those which give space to writers and readers to hear and see what they may not be able to with their perspective alone. 

I hope that the articles I publish not only make the stories they tell matter, but will remind readers of what stories can do. By expanding on the nuances of each story, each article has the ability to inspire others to sometimes get uncomfortable and challenge their perspective to understand. I hope that this section can show readers that stories are not only words on a page but that they can speak volumes if they are given the right voice.