‘Sup geeks, nerds, and studious beings of all kinds. My name is Medha Surajpal, and I am the Science Editor for Volume 145. I am a neuroscience student with a never-ending hunger for weird facts about the brain and the human body. I am very excited to be leading the Science section this year for many reasons. One of them is the chance to hear what all of you want to learn more about. 

What science story piqued your interest in the news recently? Have you ever wanted to go beyond your psychology coursework and learn how something really works? There is so much that I still don’t know, but the coolest part about this is that hearing from every writer has and will continue to teach me so much about the subjects I know and love. 

As the Science Editor this year, I hope to continue our long-running Science Fiction section as well as our event coverages. I intend to bring more mental health coverage into the section, including tips and tricks to manage the struggles that come with being a university student. 

If you have any ideas for pitches or topics you’d like to see in print, you can reach me at [email protected]

Stay curious!