Anne Lee is an all-rounder when it comes to athletics. Holding accolades across a multitude of disciplines, she is most notably a flanker for the U of T women’s rugby team. 

Lee is not unfamiliar with the challenges that come with performing at a high level of athleticism. Yet she maintained a level of humility and strength when speaking with The Varsity — evidently a product of her drive, hard work, and persistence that she has put toward achieving both her and her team’s goals.

Lee is in her fourth-year, specializing in management and minoring in economics and women and gender studies. She cites her time as a member of the Varsity Blues rugby team as a key component that has shaped her character, and taught her invaluable lessons of teamwork that she hopes to carry with her beyond her university years.

A unique prelude into women’s rugby

Lee’s journey into rugby can only be described as extremely unorthodox. Originally from Mississauga, Ontario, Lee’s initial interest in rugby was due to her older sister Bassa Lee — a U of T women’s rugby team alumna — playing on her high school rugby team. However, Anne’s first high school did not have a rugby team, so she turned to the next best thing — the high school football team. 

Unfortunately, Lee could not find a place on the team. She recalled that the coach was “choosing out these tiny boys that I knew I was stronger [than]… I felt so much anger, and I was like, what about me?” Lee used her first high school’s football coach’s dismissal as motivation rather than deterrence, and chose to continue pursuing football even after transferring to her second high school with a rugby team. 

Fueled by the desire to prove herself to those around her, she fought through any reservations she had — especially being the only girl who tried out — and successfully made the team. “Being part of the team [was] a huge confidence boost for myself because I was really unsure if I could do it,” said Lee.

Lee went on to play two seasons on both the football and the rugby teams, until grade 11 when both seasons were cut short due to COVID-19. However, she credits her experience on the football team as one of the fundamental building blocks that solidified her confidence in herself which helped push her to succeed at university-level rugby.


Given and chosen family 

Lee is currently in the middle of her fourth season for the U of T women’s rugby team. Having been on the team since her first year, Lee has since become a successful veteran player and teammate. It was through playing rugby at U of T that Lee felt the most camaraderie, speaking on the positive impact that playing with such a close-knit group had on her. 

“I loved the experience, and I love meeting my new teammates every year. Every game is like a war, and it makes me feel like we are comrades in battle. Such a strong bond forms between us when we’re all just pushing through exhaustion and pain to support each other,” she said.

Lee also spoke about her personal favourite memory with the Blues so far. “I want to say it was my first game with my sister because we were both playing on the Varsity Blues team together. Up until then, I had only ever watched her play. I had not played with her.”

“It was a Friday night late game, so it was dark out [and] the stadium lights [were on]… Our parents were watching, and the field felt so huge and so professional. I [saw] my sister… tackling people and I was like wow, this is crazy!”

Lee and her teammates share a tight-knit bond. COURTESY OF SEYRAN MAMMADOV CC VARSITY BLUES MEDIA

Important lessons 

As Lee has come to the final year of her rugby career at U of T, she can confidently say that the most important lesson she has learned is taking accountability and ensuring that she is doing the best she can not only for herself but, most importantly, for others.

“If I miss a practice, or I miss out on new plays being made and I come to a game and don’t know what’s going on, my teammates have to carry that… I am putting in effort and hard work so that others don’t have to do extra to cover my part.” 

Lee has been an exemplary team player who consistently demonstrates a level of care and sportsmanship that is nothing short of admirable. The respect and compassion she shows as a teammate extends to her treatment of others outside of rugby, which will undoubtedly serve her well, regardless of what she chooses to pursue in the future.