Skyscraper National Park

Hayden certainly isn’t the mover and shaker he was, like, half a decade ago (actually more!). But he’s still got some idea how to make the girls swoon with good looks and those introspective songs that make you want to coddle him to sleep every night after a right shagging. Nothing new here, in fact it’s not even as good as his early stuff which was kind of derivative when you look back on it, but he’s one of those untouchable boys who will always have a cult following of shoegazers in horn-rimmed glasses. Kind of like me.

Rating: VVV
Julie Swarren

Sex Pistols
There is no future

Any real punker bought Never Mind the Bollocks… years ago and it’s the only major label album they’ll proudly display. After getting burned by Better Live Than Dead or the thousands of other rip-off cash-grabs, they’ve never looked back. Now won’t be any different. This is turning into some kind of Beach Boys or Hendrix thing where they’ve raped the catalogue and are pulling out unusable shit to plunder the pockets of the remaining idiots. Demo versions and bad versions of the same typical songs. What a waste.

Keith Carman