Dear Jewel,

I went on a date with this guy and he was wonderful towards me. I had a lovely time, great conversation and he even kissed me good night. The only problem is that one and a half weeks have passed since then and he has not called me. I called him shortly after the date, but got his answering machine. He didn’t call me back after leaving a message. Jewel, I REALLY like him. What should I do?

Girl Waiting by the phone.

Dear Girl Waiting By the Phone,

Keep in mind that only a week and a half has passed, and maybe he is just the type to digest matters slowly. There is no sense in waiting by the phone. After all, he knows where to find you.

There’s a valuable lesson in all this. His hot-and-cold behaviour is an indication that he isn’t all that you’ve cut him out to be. Don’t get tangled in loose threads, and move on to weave in new experiences with a well-tailored man.

Love Jewel.

Dear Jewel,

My long-time boyfriend recently started chatting on the Internet all the time. He is totally into that whole sex thing. I hate it. What can I do to make him join me in the bedroom?

Losing to the computer.

Dear Losing to the Computer,

As we get comfortable in relationships, we often throw seducing and romance out the window. We forget our partners need to be stimulated and attracted to us in order to keep the flames of passion burning.

Your boyfriend’s newfound interest in cyber sex may mean he is experiencing some bedroom boredom.

Maybe sex is such a predetermined conclusion in your relationship that you cut to the chase and quickly scamper into the bedroom once he says, “Let’s do it.”

Though it is necessary for him to feel comfortable approaching you, he also needs to feel the warmth of anticipation and buildup.

So quit complaining and learn to seduce him all over again. And if you can’t beat him, join him. Transport your sex life to a whole new level by voyaging into a cyber sex relationship with your partner. You can send him wild e-mails, or take on a whole new persona when typing out your fantasies over the Internet.

Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer, author of Rekindling Romance For Dummies, explains, “Pretending that you are someone different, maybe someone more daring than the real you, is one appealing aspect of these chat sessions.” No woman should lose to a computer.

Love Jewel.

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