Together Again For The First Time

You’d expect a band like Pulley to be on Fat, but somehow they managed to wrangle their way onto the bigger of the two big punk labels. Now, those of you who know what Fat bands sound like need read no further. It’s standard fare—not great, not bad, just typical. For those of you who haven’t understood a word of this, let’s just say that Pulley sound like them there Southern California bands: upbeat, peppy songs. I must remark on the production, though. On this album, Pulley have a cool, chunky guitar sound and crisp vocals. Overall, this is a fun album that doesn’t expand on any concepts, but is great for bouncin’ around to.

Rating: VVV Mike Knight

Four Square
When Weeks Were Weekends

You might remember these guys from past Ductape productions, under the guise “Doug.” The name has changed, but the commitment to kick-ass song making is still there. This eleven-song album was produced by Ian Blurton (apparently, quite the busy man) and has been described as a “power-pop paradise.”
These four Ontarian lads groove out introspective song after song that get you nodding your head to their musical commands. Standout tracks include “Slightest Sympathy,” “Some Weaker Thoughts” and “Contradiction.”If you find yourself standing in front of your mirror with hairbrush in hand, singing along with Simon and echoing like Allan while axing your guitar like Danny and occasionally slamming the skins like Trevor, then you know the blokes have won you over. At least, that’s what I’ve heard.

Rating: VVV.5
The Chung

Dirty Dishes
Honest Don’s

A collection of the year’s (give or take) releases, Dirty Dishes is a wonderful retrospective. It packs the incredible collection of Honest Don’s talent onto one disc for the curious and diehards alike. Featuring the likes of Nerf Herder, Fabulous Disaster, Limp, the Real McKenzies, Chixdiggit! and more, there is nary a reason any punker wouldn’t love this in their collection. It’s just too bad they didn’t think to put on more unreleased stuff for the purists.

Rating: VVV
Jimmy Finch

Hanson Brothers
My Game
Mint Records

Only in punk rock can you tell someone they’re ugly and it actually translates into a compliment. So believe me when I tell you the Hanson Brothers from the West Coast are four of the ugliest dudes I have ever seen. These fifteen songs will knock you in the teeth like a slap-shot of pure puck rock. Songs like “Everything I Wanted,” “Honey, I’m Home” and “My Game” is the sound of the musical precision of hockey-jersey wearing punk rock misfits grinding verse after verse into your eardrums. After a couple spins, expect imminent nosebleeds and windburn.
This type of jock-scratching, fist-pumping punk will get you riled up to trample flags and beat the crap out of your opponents—in a friendly Canadian way, of course. So drink it down, throw it up and punk it off, hell yeah!

Rating: VVVV
Rhonda Chung