A nice, hearty ‘FUCK YOU’I am really frustrated that The Varsity staff, namely Ryan Kennedy, made such an attack on me this week (Amateur hour, Feb. 4).It lumped me in with a chorus of university politicians and an aging IS member from Ryerson, and suggested I’ve been around for too long.All I have to say is one big FUCK YOU for not doing any fucking research.Never mind the lack of research in your articles (sure, Rocco can say all the board’s accusations are false, though he openly admitted otherwise about them in minutes—but you guys don’t bother to CHECK anything), but get your facts when you make PERSONAL ATTACKS straight.I have never been on SAC before the 2002-2003 school year. I actually within the last month turned 19. I am in YEAR 2 of an honours degree. So your implications that I’ve been around for too long are not only insulting, but totally unfounded.As for your accusations that once I get into the real world I better watch out for what the media has to say about me, don’t worry—The Varsity has shown me just how childish, irresponsible and biased the press can be. No real newspaper (and believe me, The Varsity has been little more than a tabloid on so many issues, spreading lies and hearsay) would operate in the unprofessional manner that you do.How irresponsible and inappropriate of you, Ryan Kennedy, for defending a homophobic paper that suggested the president of RYESac ought not to run again because he’s a token gay man. Haven’t most of The Varsity’s editors taken time off school to devote to extracurricular stuff, thus prolonging THEIR degree?University is not about a TRANSITION to being an adult, you are already supposed to be an adult. Maybe you and your fellow adolescents, who can’t seem to back up your newspaper with facts, reality, or balanced news reporting need to know that.Sincerely,Alex Artful-DodgerGet your priorities straightFor the life of me, I cannot understand the editors of The Varsity!Do they really think the loss of research is more important than the loss of seven astronauts? Do they really think it would be the right thing to privilege science over human life? The “important biochemistry experiments” of botany professor Dinesh Christendat should have been a footnote to your article rather than the front page story. Although I am sure his research is indeed important, I sincerely doubt he thinks it is more important than the lives of the Columbia crew. Why weren’t the names of the crew on the front page? I didn’t want to see the face of Dr. Christendat, I wanted to see your condolences, and therefore my condolences, to the families and victims of the tragedy.Be responsible next time and figure out what the real tragedy is. We are in the process of mourning the crew of the Columbia, not the microbes that were hitching a ride.N. LipsmanU of T mourns Nancy Benson It is always a sad occasion when people pass away. The death of U of T’s own Nancy Benson will be grieved by her many family and colleagues. Working with the University of Toronto at Mississauga from 1992 to 1999 before accepting a position as a research scientist at the Hospital for Sick Children, Nancy’s particular interests were in the origin of developmental dyslexia. All will miss her, as she has touched many with her ambition to teach. Nancy’s family has set up a memorial fund at the Hospital for Sick Children. Donations can be sent to The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5G 1X8. Cheques should be made out to The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation including a note indicating the donation is in memory of Nancy Benson. Donations can also be made by calling (416) 813-5320.Rob Rivers