Cops continue investigation into campus hate pamphlet campaign

51 Division has opened a hate crimes investigation into anti-Semitic pamphlets distributed on campus at the beginning of November. A pamphlet entitled “Jewish Supremacism Unmasked” appeared on campus at York, Ryerson, and U of T (See coverage in the November 7 issue of The Varsity). Hillel of Greater Toronto, the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC), and university administration quickly condemned the flyers. Last week, SAC joined them.

“There is no fine line between hate and free speech. There is free speech, and there is hate,” said Shaila Kibria SAC’s VP Equity, in a press release.

“It is clear that the individuals behind this are either affiliated with or have a political/spiritual bond with white supremacist organizations in the United States,” said Steven Shulman, regional director of CJC, in a press release.

Soon after the incident, the Ryersonian reported that people who distributed pamphlets on that campus were caught on security cameras.

Toronto Police refused to comment, as their investigation is ongoing. -ALLISON MARTELL

Med school grad gets $5,000 incentive to study family medicine

Dr. Caroline Collins, a recent U of T medical school graduate, has been awarded the $5,000 ALTANA Pharma Family Medicine Scholarship.

Collins, who is currently doing her residency at St. Joseph’s Health Centre, is U of T’s first recipient of the award, designed to encourage Ontario medical students to specialize in family practice. There is a shortage of family physicians in the province. -A.M.