Arrogant VP out of line
Re: Satellite campuses need to grow, Jan. 23
I was disappointed and ashamed to read the comments by Catherine Riggall, VP of business affairs at U of T, who stated that Trent University was a “little school…where nobody really wants to go.” Recently, another senior administrator commented to me that York University was simply “our impoverished little cousin” and a “second-rate university.” The arrogance displayed by some of our most senior officials is appalling. While President Naylor has done a commendable job building bridges with our peer institutions across Ontario, the political judgment of his staff leaves something to be desired.
Catherine Riggall should publicly apologize and keep her superiority complex to herself. If she won’t apologize, Naylor should terminate her, with cause. I am certainly embarrassed by her actions, and I am sure that a great number of faculty and students will agree with me.
The post-secondary education system in Ontario needs new resources, more faculty and increased collaboration between our universities. It certainly does not need ill-advised commentary by senior U of T officials with big egos.
Paul Bretscher
SAC President 2005-2006