Do you find yourself suffering through long days and even longer nights? Cringing at the thought of exams? Are you finding it hard to make time to hang out with friends? If so, you’re living the life of the typical university student.

A lot of students, especially those in first year, are not prepared for university because so many think it’s the same kind of atmosphere as high school. Bad idea.

Let’s take a moment and reminisce about our high school days. We had school every day, roll calls, parent-teacher interviews, a set time for lunch, and so on. Does any of that sound like university? University is all about freedom, and we often take advantage of that freedom unwisely. That is the prime reason we tend to feel overwhelmed. But here are some pointers that can improve your student experience and help ensure your survival at university.

Get a calendar. Having a calendar in your room significantly helps with time management. Posting your exams, tests, and assignments gives you a visual idea of what you should be expecting.

Don’t procrastinate. Procrastination is probably the most obvious problem for students, and yet we keep on doing it. When you put work off you’re not only tiring yourself out, but reducing the quality of the work you’ll eventually produce. Think about it-you’re paying money for school, and because you procrastinate, your grades are going to suffer. Try setting routines for yourself and remember to just get started, because something-anything-is better than nothing.

Give yourself a break. People are always saying you need to give yourself a break, but when you’re in school this is easier said than done. If you burden yourself with a huge workload you’re going to cause your body (and mind) to crash. Give yourself a day or two a week to relax, whether it is with your friends or at home watching a movie.

Discipline yourself. It’s a good thing to give yourself a break, but don’t overdo it. Using the excuse “I need a break” to justify going partying every other day doesn’t work. Make striking a balance your priority.

Sleep. This is obviously also easier said than done, but it is extremely important. The value of sleep is underestimated because we sometimes think there are 24 active hours in a day, when in reality it is more like 16. Being refreshed in the morning helps a lot because you can focus more and perform better throughout the day. This is why so many students don’t do well on exams-they’re up all night studying.

Take advantage of your resources. U of T charges a fee on your tuition bill for all the student services offered, but whether you take advantage of them or not is your choice. The Koffler Centre is but one of the organizations to offer great programs and services for students, such as the FYI (First-year initiative) prograam for first-year students.

University is fun! Remember that the next time you feel stressed over your school life. U of T has so many things to take part in, so get up and get active. Join a club, become part of a team, and make your experience the best it can be.