Is it acceptable for police and administrators not to tell students of an unconfirmed bomb threat, for fear of causing a panic?

Clockwise, from top-left

Dhebi Hay, first-year International Development: Yeah, I think so, because otherwise everyone’s going to be running around and it’s going to be mass hysteria.

Erin-Jade Wong, first-year Life Sciences: Panic value and your life value are very different, I think the life value is more valuable than panic value in that with panic you can recover, with life you can’t.

Rebeca Tristan, second-year Management: I think they’re wrong. Just in case there was a bomb, we have a right to know. Then we can decide if we want to leave or not, or how seriously we should take it.

Joshua Alveranga, second-year International Development: I agree because if there’s chaos, it’s gonna be harder for the cops to do their job and identify if there really is a bomb or not.