For student families living in poverty, the holiday season is an additional struggle. The annual Baby Food and Toy Drive, run by the Student Housing Service and the Family Care Office, is an effort to lighten their burden.

Now in its seventh year, the drive is accepting essentials like cereal, diapers, baby formula, bottled food, and baby wipes. Also welcome are new, unwrapped toys, games, books, and gift certificates for children 16 years and under. While there’s particular demand for baby items, said Jerry Zhuang, the drive’s coordinator, “any kind of generosity is highly appreciated.”

“The whole spirit of the holiday is basically joy, giving, and hope, so we’re hoping the whole community can join in our efforts,” said Zhuang, who estimates that more than 120 student families benefit from the project annually. With a tanking economy, he noted, the need will likely be greater this year. All the more reason to add baby food and toys to your shopping list.