The University of Calgary has threatened legal action against an anti-abortion group who refused to move graphic posters that compare abortion to genocide. Since 2005, the University of Calgary Campus Pro-Life has shown posters of aborted fetuses around campus for their annual event, Genocide Awareness Project.

The labelling of abortion as genocide and the explicit images have sparked vocal counter-protests. One image compares an aborted fetus to victims of the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide.

After U of C received complaints, admin told the pro-lifers to hold their signs so people aren’t forced to view them involuntarily. Campus Pro-Life rejected the order.

U of C said it will take legal action against Campus Pro-Life if they display the posters. Though the university is a public institution, the campus is considered private property and the group’s protests can be considered trespassing.

The National Post reported that when pro-life protestors set up their displays this week, U of C security guards served them notice that they could face arrest, a fine of $2,000, or civil action. The guards also held up signs that read, “Caution. Campus Pro-Life has been served with a notice to vacate university property. The university is now taking appropriate legal action.”

As of Thursday, Calgary Police have not served any trespassing notices.