Rayyan Alibux is a third-year student double majoring in Political Science and Business Economics. This is Alibux’ second time running for the SCSU, having contended for president in last year’s elections, during which he was disqualified and then reinstated. 

Alibux is a member of the Scarborough Campus’ Union Reform Club. Fellow slate member and presidential candidate Anup Atwal is the club’s current president. 

Alibux’ platform includes ensuring budget transparency by making financial reports and budget sheets available, lowering locker rental fees, lobbying to have food vendors open longer, and implementing online voting. 

Alibux also hopes to make bylaw changes that focus on budget transparency. “I don’t think the current system provides people with enough information,” Alibux said. “One thing I’d like [to see from the union] is that when they’re releasing their financial statements, they’re going to also release an Excel spreadsheet or something available online, which will show an itemized sheet of everything that was purchased.”

He also hopes to implement online voting at UTSC. “It makes things like re-evaluating levies a lot easier… Every three years there needs to be a mandatory re-evaluation of the levies that students will vote on,” he continued. 

In regards to a recent controversy that saw the SCSU board of directors vote to disregard a decision made at the Annual General Meeting and give additional money to the Women’s and Trans Centre, Alibux barely hesitated before asserting what he would do in that position. 

“It’s the students’ choice… I don’t think the board has a right to disregard their decision. I think that’s very undemocratic. And part of the whole spirit of this online voting is that students will have the choice to vote on policy,” though he added that students should be as informed as possible.