Running is a difficult sport. It takes both mental and physical strength to even start running, so what’s the best possible way of training for a five kilometre run? Before it gets too cold to enjoy the great outdoors, here are some tips to get the most out of the Toronto running trails. 

One of the most famous ‘runners’ I know is Casey Neistat, and while he may not be Usain Bolt, running is featured in almost all of his YouTube videos, encouraging millions of his viewers to become runners. His tips are free to watch, which is certainly student-budget friendly!

Based on his video with Olympic runner Roberto Mandje, the most important aspect of running is stamina. Just keep running until you absolutely have to stop. Since everybody’s different, some people might be able to run 20 minutes without stopping right off the bat while some people may have to build up to that. Remember, the only person you’re competing with is yourself!

As you keep building up that stamina, no distance will be too far for you, whether it be five kilometres or 50. Another major question featured in the video was the choice of shoes while running. Especially if you’re running over uneven ground for distances as long as five kilometres, it is extremely important to be wearing comfortable shoes in order to prevent injuries or strains.

Now comes the most important part: motivation. The hardest part about training for running is maintaining the necessary consistency and discipline. You should really ask yourself why you want to run these five kilometres — that’s what will get you out of bed. 

Maybe, you want to prove to yourself you can exercise, or you want some alone time, or you just want to be more fit. Anything works! Running is more of a ‘zig-zag’ trial and error process than a linear one. What works for someone may not work for you, so just go out there and start running today!

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