The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to become a better and healthier you despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Your resolutions for 2021 don’t have to be those go-big-or-go-home resolutions. Instead, the simplest and smallest changes could help you create a more balanced lifestyle.

Here are some easy wellness-focused resolutions that you hopefully won’t give up on after two weeks.

Get more sleep

A lot of you may be sleep deprived due to one obvious reason: university. This is not good at all.

Sleep is a critical part of staying both mentally and physically healthy. Many people also tend to look at their devices before going to bed, hindering their quality of sleep. A great new year’s resolution could be to create a sleeping schedule and reduce screen time before bed to improve your quality of sleep. 

Go outdoors

The pandemic has kept people indoors and isolated, but that is quite easy to fix. 

Another super easy new year’s resolution is simply to get some fresh air by heading outdoors safely. Find a nice hiking trail or go for a relaxing bike ride because spending more time outdoors can reduce stress and improve your overall mood and health. 

Buy some gym gear — and use it

Due to COVID-19, it is practically impossible to work out at the gym with the proper weights and equipment. Fear not. A new year’s resolution could be to start working out at home. 

Regular physical activity is important for everyone as it can elevate one’s mood and prevent future health conditions. Just purchase a few dumbbells or fitness bands online from stores such as Amazon or SportChek and you’re good to go. 

Practice self-care

Many of us often forget about practising self-care and taking time off for ourselves due to academics and work. However, self-care is vital for our well-being due to its many benefits. It reduces stress, keeps you relaxed, boosts your emotions, and just overall improves your mental health. 

An effective new year’s resolution could be to spend more time with yourself through simple self-care acts such as taking a nice long, hot bath.