The nomination period for executives and directors of the University of Toronto Graduate Students’ Union (UTGSU) has been extended, meaning that the campaign period will now start on April 1.

Initially, nominations for all candidates were due on March 21 by 5:00 pm. However, according to an announcement on their social media on the morning of March 22, the executive nomination deadlines were moved to March 23, while nominations for directors were now due by March 25. 

This came on the heels of other unions on campus extending their nomination deadlines and struggling with participation. The University of Toronto Students’ Union (UTSU), for example, extended its nomination deadline and had no candidates for the presidential position

This UTGSU election will also be the first election under the recent restructuring of the union. Previously, the executive committee, which manages the functioning of the union, had six commissioner positions. Following the restructuring, the executive committee will be made up of a president with four vice-president positions. 

In a conversation with The Varsity, UTGSU Chief Returning Officer Molly Simpson wrote, “[I] and the Elections Committee felt as though additionally [sic] time to submit nominations would help drum up participation. Since the UTGSU [is] introducing a new governance structure this year, I think the extra time will help encourage those who might have been on the fence before.”