At U of T, finding the ideal study spot can be quite the journey. Whether you thrive in a bustling atmosphere with snacks readily at hand, require a quiet haven for deep concentration, or seek a space for virtual meetings, U of T’s library system offers an array of options to cater to your distinct study preferences.

For those who relish a bit of noise and a largely snack-friendly environment, Robarts Library — especially Robarts Common — is the go-to destination. The Common’s natural lighting and comfortable seating make it the perfect choice for group discussions and project collaboration. The Common is generally friendly to snackers, and the library at large allows students to munch away in the cafeteria area on floor two; the reading rooms on floors two, three, and five; the St. George apexes and adjacent group study rooms on floors nine through 13; and the central escalator/lobby areas on floors two through four.

If virtual meetings and collaborative work are on your agenda, look no further than the Gerstein Science Information Centre — equipped with study rooms, video conference facilities, and ample desk space.

Seeking an atmosphere of absolute silence and unwavering focus? Caven Library, hidden within Knox College, provides the ideal setting for silent and uninterrupted study. 

E. J. Pratt Library, nestled in the heart of UTSG, offers a unique blend of tranquillity and varied study options, encouraging quiet study while accommodating diverse preferences.

Each college on the university campus boasts its own library, with distinct ambiances and policies. The Trinity College and Emmanuel College libraries are known for their peaceful atmosphere, while Innis College and New College libraries have more relaxed, social environments and study resources.It’s essential to stay updated on evolving library policies by consulting with library staff or checking their websites for the latest information. U of T’s Libraries website contains numerous resources, including information on study rooms, borrowing books, course reserves, and more. So, embark on your study journey, explore the possibilities, and find your perfect study nook within the rich tapestry of U of T libraries.