You can’t fault the reasoning that produced Pot Planet. If I were a publisher, I know I’d hire someone to fly around the world getting stoned. I’m just not sure I’d hire Brian Preston. In his efforts to show how gosh-darn wholesome weed really is, he’s scrubbed away any sign of the grime we’ve come to expect from druggie pilgrimages. What’s left is as exciting as a public service announcement: an ill-advised hybrid of Lonely Planet and High Times. Preston is unfailingly polite and respectful towards his subjects, but that doesn’t seem to leave him much room to work with. After 300 pages of foolishness like “Morocco is part of the Arab world” and much rhapsodizing about stoner solidarity and “colourful” locals, you long for the sparkling malice of William S. Burroughs. If you want conversational tidbits to pass around with the bong, go for it. If you’re after gripping narrative, stick with your course readings.