U of T’s Business Board voted today in favour of imposing flat fees beginning this September. An official vote tally is not yet available, but it is known that only three board members voted against flat fees. Between 10 and 12 members voted in favor of them. Two students sit on the board, an undergraduate and a graduate student, but neither one attended the meeting.

Colum Grove-White, the outgoing president of the Arts and Science Students’ Union, was one of four students granted speaking rights to make their case against flat fees before the board. “I’m not surprised,” said Grove-White at the vote’s results. “There were no students [voting] at that Business Board meeting. […] There are going to be more students at GC, hopefully.”

UTSU president Sandy Hudson was more vocal. Hudson was at the microphone addressing students rallying outside Simcoe Hall when she was informed of the results of the vote.

“Three people? Three people? Three?” Hudson shouted into the crowd. “I’m very fucking angry, and I think that we need to make a promise right now to not let them get away with it.”

“We have to remain vigilant,” Hudson added. “We have to be here all the time and make sure that these boards are not the crock of shit that they are now.”

Business Board members did not comment.