Time Travelers Wife, Mean Girls, and Good Will Hunting are among the many films that have taken advantage of the wide range of residence buildings, libraries, and lecture halls at U of T.

“As per the film policy, requests for location filming and photography should go through my office,” said Chris Harris, External Liaison, Office of Space Management. “Documentary type filming about the University — its activities and the activities of members of the University Community — are usually handled by media relations personnel.”

When it comes to location scouting, many film personnel do a preliminary survey on their own: exploring the campus, looking at pictures online, or recalling from memory. Generally, film companies contact the individual colleges when it comes for requesting a location on any of their properties. Also, the provinces’ film office (Ontario Media Development Corporation) offers a photographic database for potential purchasers.

The University charges an initial location fee to the film companies. “They are also charged for any prep time and take down time required outside of the actual shoot day,” said Harris. “Above and beyond the fee, any costs incurred are also recovered by the University. These usually include parking, caretaking, campus police, electricians, operating engineers, etc.”

Harris says that the most popular time for filming is when less students are around. “The university itself tends to have more filming activity in the summer as we have a higher tolerance for weekday filming in those months. Filming is generally not permitted on weekdays during the school year,” said Harris.

“By far and away the most popular location is University College. I’d say Leslie Dan Pharmacy Building is the new up and coming star when they’re looking for a modern aesthetic. The personnel in both these locations have been tremendously patient, supportive, and helpful,” said Harris. “For exteriors, it would have to be King’s College Circle. Generally though, almost everywhere on campus has likely been a location of some sort. Some of them seem really unlikely but to the practiced eye of a location scout, it fits the bill perfectly.”