In today’s world, everyone is gradually becoming environmentally conscious. We are getting  used to the fact that the world is changing, and we are with it. The current population should help future generations appreciate and cherish the world around them. From an early age, it is necessary to give children an understanding of self-development and well-being of the world. One way to get the desired result is through forest schools. This is a unique project to teach children in the fresh air and outdoor space. Recently, many educational centers have become interested in this method of teaching. Before deciding on the choice of school, parents need to know what the privileges of the school are and why it is useful to attend it. A forest school, or as it is also called a forest kindergarten, outdoor nursery, nature kindergarten, or nature preschool is a learning process in which a forest or open space is used as a place for lessons. This type of training has positive effects on the holistic growth and self-esteem of the student. Children are inspired by nature – through the open space they receive the right attitudes to the world around them. The educational program is designed to introduce game processes that expand horizons and attention, as well as concentrating on the main educational provisions. Collectively, the Forest Schools program develops children’s self-confidence through nature inspiration and practical experience. Among the staff in such schools are hundreds of trained teachers and practitioners around the world who are trying to develop their skills and training program. For each student, an individual approach is developed, and in a peer group it is easier to socialize and develop communicative abilities. Every child gets enough time connecting it all with beautiful and inspiring views of the forest or garden. Also, such an environment helps maintain the creative skills of students and develop them in the right direction. 

The main principles of forest school for your children

The educational process in such schools does not just teach, it helps students to develop socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically and intellectually. When learning, an atmosphere of safety and impartiality is created so that children understand that they have a chance to take risks and be the best in their business. The environment tries to inspire students to connect deeply with the outside world and to give a correct understanding and perception of who you are for this world. Through risk and trial, children discover their abilities, solve real problems, develop faith in themselves and in the world. Risk is a good thing that will help you understand what to do in adulthood, how to overcome problems and be always ahead. School students become healthy, creatively developed, nervously stable and independent people. How can we tell the difference between a forest school and any other outdoor class? First of all, the most important difference is the definition of 6 teaching principles that have been accepted by the UK Forestry School community and are applied around the world. You can learn about these 6 principles below:

  1. Regular classes 

Lessons in such a school should be held on a long-term basis, it is not 1-2 lessons per week. It is a daily scheduled program to fulfill all educational principles. The duration of classes varies from several weeks to several years. The development of boundary setting, security, self-confidence and the process of observing the world around us is crucial. 

  1. Risk-based learning

Students learn behavioral skills of self-organization with the constant support of a teacher or practitioner. For example, they often have a variety of activities including climbing trees, a forest camp, cable cars, the use of metal and wooden tools, and lighting a fire. At the same time, teachers help to assess all the risks and benefits associated with these classes. Mindfulness and making the right decisions is what forest schools educate in children. 

  1. Comprehensive development

Schooling involves the comprehensive development of the child’s personality. It covers such aspects of a person as: emotional development, human belonging to nature, intellectual development, social and physical. A very important component is the communication of children in groups and the development of language skills. These skills will help children in the future to become a holistic person with a lot of positive aspects. 

  1. Place – wooded environment 

The main principles of schooling are awareness of the world and appreciation of the nature around. Lessons should only take place in the natural environment, among the trees, in order to interact with nature to the fullest. Space in this case is not limited for children, which allows you to fully reveal their freedom. 

  1. Professional staff of teachers

Ensuring safe learning for children is quite a challenge. Teachers should be carefully trained to provide outdoor activities. This is ensured by the qualifications of the school, teachers and the availability of skills to work with children for several years. Teachers should have in their arsenal practical skills, rules for first aid, physiological development, the ability to be aware of risks and be ready to teach this to children. Professors of the school have a level of balancing the leader and the educator. 

  1. Results-oriented forest school

The school does not have a structured curriculum as such. The training is designed to conduct lessons through a system of observation and communication with nature. Such a system discovers and develops unique inclinations in children. The specifics of each child are different, someone is more creative, and someone is more risky. One of the key concepts is that the specificity of the school lies in the learning process, and not in specific goals. 

The advantage of the forest school “Our Kids” can definitely be called long-term regular sessions of teaching children and the reflection of development goals in 6 guidelines. When choosing a school for your child, you definitely need to pay attention to the option of a forest school. Your child will be able to open up and find unity with nature, while developing skills and gaining new knowledge that will definitely be useful in life.