Boring Bob
Re: What about Bob? Sept. 11

As a former Varsity staffer, I’m glad to be able to follow the paper from my new home south of the border via your online edition.

Having spent much of my time at The Varsity sitting in on Governing Council meetings, my memories of the larger than life (all of 6’3, I’ve just learned!) President “Bob” Birgeneau in action are still fresh. So, I was interested to see this week’s feature on the Prez.

While it was fascinating to get Birgeneau’s take on the always puzzling “chicken crossing the road” riddle, learn about his propensity for local eateries, and get the details on his 3″ long scar (ouch!), I wonder what happened to the politics in this story? The same issue of The Varsity covers pressing topics ranging from the health plan to day care to part-time studies, but Feon Chau doesn’t give us a hint of the man in charge’s take on any of these things. What’s more, with the provincial election looming and the post-secondary education unfriendly Tories’ fate on the line, Chau doesn’t even try to get Birgeneau hinting at partisan leanings!
Perhaps Chau can corner the Prez over lunch at Spaha sometime soon for a Part II that really tells us “What about Bob?”

Liz Ben-Ishai, UC ’03