An Ipsos-Reid study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade found that Canada is not seen as a prospective destination for university education and that “there is no awareness that Canada has world-class educational establishments.”

The University of Toronto was one of few institutions with a positive perception outside of Canada. The otherwise negative findings come as a surprise, since Canada attracts almost 100,000 international students every year.

The report recommends improving the “Imagine Education in Canada” campaign. Produced jointly by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the international campaign is meant to promote Canada’s image on the international education market.

Suggested improvements include providing more information on the advantages of Canada’s international education programs, as well as the advantages of Canada’s high living standards.

In recent months the Canadian government has been working with post-secondary institutions to promote Canada’s education brand abroad. Prime Minister Stephen Harper made education a key strategy in deepening economic ties with Asia. U of T president David Naylor made a similar move during his own trip to Hong Kong for the university’s Boundless campaign.