While we may be in the throes of a chaotic winter, it’s always good to know one of the most important first steps to rebuilding your spring and summer garden. Double-digging is simple enough. You get a shovel and you dig. Twice. By turning over the dirt that has been compacted deep in your garden plot, you create a more porous soil that is capable of transferring the nutrients that your plants will need. Over the years, a number of “as-seen-on-TV” tools have been marketed as a more efficient way of getting this job done. Don’t be fooled as most of these products have a limited depth potential, aerating only half of the available soil. The benefit of double-digging is the depth made possible by two scoops of the shovel’s spade. With a maximized amount of porous soil, your plants will have fully developed roots, giving you a healthy crop of whatever it is you decide to plant. Every time you get a scoop of soil, remember to lightly bounce it off the shovel’s end. This will break up solidified clumps and give your soil a fluffy look. Happy digging!

This is the first entry in the Hart House Farm Committee’s Farming How-To series. Members of the committee are hoping to provide you with insight into basic agricultural techniques that will help your plot of land grow to its fullest.