
We wish to eliminate the divide between readers and writers. We wish to give voice to students and to teach them valuable journalism skills. For these reasons every section of our newspaper is always open to new views and to new student writers. We believe people’s involvement in their media should not be confined to the letters page.


While we recognize it is impossible to be truly objective, we strive in our news coverage to accurately and fairly convey all sides of the story. We strive not only for a balance of quotes, but a balance of skepticism and hope, ensuring students are aware of both the problems they face and the way in which they can go about addressing those matters.


As a publication based in academia, we wish not only to pursue old political debates, but also the fullest range of opinions and views on all topics. Our opinions section is for the views of average students, not just professional commentators or experts. We ask students to respect this commitment to diversity, and engage in a healthy discussion of issues that affect them.

Student Rights

We believe students have rights and we will work to uphold those rights. They have a right to an education that is accessible; that doesn’t punish them simply because they happen to be born into a family that can’t afford to cover the cost of their education. We also believe they have the right to a quality education; one where both they and their professors are free to speak their minds and enjoy the true benefits of the university environment.


We have no time for anything that promotes hate on campus, and will not allow anything in our pages which promotes hate against any group. Moreover, we will work to make this campus as safe as possible for all students, regardless of sex, race, religion, age or physical ability.


The five points above are what we stand for, and we want students to actively hold us to those goals. We also implore all students with concerns about their paper to realize that because of our limited resources and our commitment to serving as a forum for student expression, articles in the newspaper often reflect the ideas of contributors rather than the views of the newspaper as a whole. Should you disagree with something in the newspaper or wish to see more coverage of a certain area we encourage you not only to submit your thoughts but to become actively involved in the newspaper to help it better meet your needs.